Sunday, September 28, 2008

Best Thing Since...

For those of you unable to read comments (and I feel for you, I really do. It's an awful condition, and the fact that there's not a nonprofit dutifully raising money for a cure is a travesty), my next assignment is to update the phrase "the best thing since sliced bread." Which has always been a suspect phrase, if you ask me. I mean, really, is sliced bread such an innovation? I mean sure, sandwiches and toast. Not the worst things in the world. But..."the best thing since the wheel" would be grander. The wheel is not only older (I'm pretty sure) than sliced bread, it also has more to show for itself than sandwiches and toast. NOT THAT I DON'T LIKE SANDWICHES AND TOAST. I'm just sayin'. Rolling is pretty cool.

Anyway, "the best thing since the wheel" makes more sense, I'm sure we all agree. But if I were updating the phrase, I'd want it to be hip and now, so I think I might go with "the best thing since Google." Or if I wanted to be really old school, "the best thing since sunlight."

If I were going for bringing it into the theme of this blog, and thereby perhaps scoring an extra point (and I feel your pain, non-comment-readers - how about "No Comment" as a non-profit name??) - the best thing since an oral med for MS. not that that exists, of course. I still have to jab myself with pointy things, and sometimes curse, every night. But once it springs into being, from the veritable forehead of some very smart scientist, I'll be coining the phrase, believe-you-me.


Mel said...

Yea! 2 points for this one. Brings you up to 3 total, of 4 possible, that's 75%. A paltry C+ when you put it that way, but I'm sure it'll get better as we have more possible points to shift the scale. And I feel for the comment-less out there, I really do, but all I can say is "oh well", unless you opt to add me as a commentator to your blog, then I'd be able to post my random comment/rants in your actual blog. Not that I'm trying to take over the world. Not really. Or maybe . . . And that, my friend, had led us to the next post topic request: "taking over the world". Run with that one and take it any direction you wish . . .

Amy said...

incidentally, an oral MS drug is on the cusp pf availability. Hurrah!