Sunday, September 21, 2008

Inciting me to post - a few ground rules

If you enjoyed that last post about broccoli but found it random, check the comments on the post prior to it. And once you figure it out, come back here and continue reading.

You back? Ok, good. So, if YOU want to incite me to post by suggesting topics, here are the rules:

1. If you are NOT Mel, you must be approved by Mel as a Post Inciter. Her decision is final - no appeals, no recourse.

2. Whether are not you are Mel, once approved, I will write on any topic suggested by a Post Inciter, but I insist that I get a week to produce the new post.

3. If there's a post suggested, nobody can suggest another post until I produce the required post, or until my week expires.

4. If my week expires and I don't produce...oh, I don't know, but it seems like there ought to be some kind of consequence, shouldn't there?

1 comment:

Mel said...

YEA - this is the best thing since sliced bread! (Or whatever else you find life-changing.) In fact, how's about that Aim - next thematic post is: if you were charged with creating the phrase that was to replace "best thing since sliced bread" what would you fill in instead of the sliced bread? Not broccoli, I take it . . . (this is a fun game, btw. do you care that it has hijacked your blog?)