Thursday, September 27, 2007

Abundant Energy, and the Lack Thereof

One of the hallmarks of MS is the fatigue. You hear a lot that that's the most debilitating symptom. I've definitely experienced my share of fatigue - and, as with so many neurological symptoms, I'm learning that there are different kinds, there are experiences that we don't really have words for. There's the "I just want to sleep for 18 hours" kind of fatigue, and the "I'm not tired, but it takes a whole lot of energy to move" kind of fatigue.

But, for me at least, what MS taketh away it also giveth. I've had periods when I have what feels like really abundant energy. I seem to be entering one now. I had insomnia last night, and didn't get to bed until well after midnight - but I've felt really good all day, and still do. Everything is relative, of course, and it's hard to say if what feels like abundant energy now is actually what I would have considered normal 2 years ago. But I'm not complaining.

Another hallmark of MS is unpredictability - I don't know how long any given period of energy or fatigue will last. I'm just hoping I'm in a period of greater energy come October 20th, which is the date of my Seido black belt test.

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