Friday, October 5, 2007

That's What I Get for Mouthing Off

Right after (so soon after I suspect a supernatural entity with malignant intent must have been paying attention) I posted about having really good energy lately, I got sick, as in with a cold. Focused application of Airborne and icky-but-tasting-faintly-of-raspberry natural immune boosters from People's Pharmacy staved it off for the most part, but needless to say I have not had abundant energy this week.

I wonder, though, if my impending cold was enough to distract my immune system from attacking me and direct it towards, you know, doing what it's supposed to do. It's a theory - one based on only a flimsy piece of anecdotal evidence; so, nothing that would stand up in court. But a theory nonetheless.

One last gripe before I get back to work. I know I'm incredibly lucky to have symptoms as mild as I do, and I really have no room to complain. But I am so tired of not being able to do back kicks, spinning kicks, or hook kicks without almost (or actually) toppling over. These are not easy techniques, which almost makes it worse. If I couldn't do a front kick, that would clearly be because of my disease. But if I can't execute a difficult technique well, is that my disease, or is it just general incompetence? I guess ultimately it doesn't matter, the solution is the same - keep showing up, keep trying, and remember that it's not a race. Nothing to prove, etc. But it's frustrating.

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