Thursday, February 28, 2008

Is It 2009 Yet?

A certain someone who shall remain nameless* pestered me about the dirth of posts up around here, so I thought I'd emerge momentarily to give the World at Large an update (because the World at Large cares so much, I'm sure).

So, anyway, let's see. I had a dream last night, but this one featured no hug-wanting gorillas. It was much sadder than that - I dreamed that it was the night of the Texas primary, and Obama lost, 47-53%. And then I realized it was my fault, because I volunteered to be a Precinct Captain, and have done absolutely nothing in that capacity.

So, yeah, I've been all swept up by Obamania. Though I don't think he's a god, oh no! Because I've seen the light, and I know god - or at least, I know the phone god made. And that is the iPhone, one of which I now have, and I pet it every day. And no, that does not mean Steve Jobs is god. He's more like Joseph Smith, I figure (or maybe Moses, if you're old-fashioned).


I've been mad-busy at work lately, regularly getting in before 8 and leaving 7ish (except for Mondays and Wednesdays, which is 2/5ths of the week, after all). Lots of work, but I'm having fun. Mostly.

Speaking of work, a co-worker of mine transitioned on the job in the last few weeks (in the MtoF way), and I must say, my company officially rocks. They immediately updated their anti-discrimination policy to include gender identity, they brought in some women from a local trans organization for a Q and A session, they changed her name everywhere - and my fellow co-workers have been totally supportive and accepting (we got her a card to welcome her back after her time off, and there were so many signatures we ran out of room).


I was quasi-sick for most of the week, with a cold-ish thing. It started over the weekend, and despite my concerted consumption of Airborne, Emergen-C, and even the occasional zinc lozenge, it's been hanging on. But I woke up this morning feeling noticably better, and have continued to feel good throughout the day. So I hope I'm through with the worst of it. But that and the aforementioned lots-of-work have conspired to keep me out of karate for most of the week. I taught Saturday and Monday, and haven't been back since. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to Saturday.


If you're not happy with my stretching-the-definition-of-occasional rate of posting, check out Graham's blog - - mostly politics, some movies, occasional funny videos. His blog's smarter than mine, too.

*I'm not actually sure who it was, in fact, as she was only identified as Garin's mom. And last I checked, there are two of those. Though I have my suspicions...


Morisey said...

Hmmmm, Graham's blog isn't smarter, just more active. He's currently trying to figure out how to get more hug-craving gorillas involved as they generate much more interesting posts than his current staff of a roomful of typing monkeys.

Susan said...

If Garin's mom has so much time on her hands, shouldn't she start a blog for Garin?

Amy said...

George - she has:

Garin said...

Yea! Look how much power I have! Mama says thanks for giving her a distraction to read (in addition to Graham and George's blogs which she also regularly checks, don't worry, you ALL help with procrastination!). And Momma says to remember that you can help Obama by getting tanked and making 3am "Ihh wanna tell ya ta vote fur Hillury" calls. (Not that she would really advocate such tactics.)

Amy said...

Garin's Mom - you know, your writing style betrays your identity, MEL.